Conheça os principais recursos do Jazida

Funcionalidades pensadas para agilizar a sua gestão

Create groups and tags


Within the Jazida, mining processes can be organized in a personalized manner. Users can start by creating custom groups, providing specific names and descriptions to categorize their processes according to specific criteria, such as clients, units, regions, among others. This enables clear segmentation and facilitates access to related sets of activities. 

Furthermore, if the user's plan allows for the inclusion of more users in the account, access permission can be granted to specific users within these groups. This improves collaboration and communication within the organization, allowing different members to access relevant information. 

Adding tags to mining processes offers an additional layer of organization. When accessing the 'Mining Processes' tab in the Mining module, users can click on 'Add Tag' on the right side of each process. This allows them to assign specific categories or characteristics to each process, simplifying the search, filtering, and identification of relevant information. 

Benefits: Organizing mining processes into groups and adding tags in Jazida offers efficient management, improved collaboration, quick identification, and personalized organization. This approach enhances accessibility, contributing to efficiency throughout the mining process cycle. 

Mining Phase: Research Requirement to Mining Concession 

Where to find: Mining Module 

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