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Funcionalidades pensadas para agilizar a sua gestão

Store documents


The Environmental Module of the Deposit offers efficient functionality for storing documents related to environmental processes. Users can upload a variety of formats, such as PDFs, images, and spreadsheets, linking them to specific processes, permits, or conditions. This centralized repository provides quick access and organization through folders and categories. 

The platform offers a secure environment with access control, ensuring the privacy and integrity of documents. In addition, the functionality can include version control to track changes over time. This approach facilitates audits, inspections, and quick decision-making, contributing to legal compliance and operational sustainability. 

Benefits: Uploading documents in the Environmental Module of the Deposit offers centralized organization, quick access to crucial information linked to environmental and mining processes, efficient version control, and security with access control. Centralizing the documents simplifies audits and provides an integrated view for efficient management in compliance with current legislation. The documents are organized and secure on a dedicated server. 

Mining Phase: Mining Concession 

Where to find: Environmental Module 

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