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Funcionalidades pensadas para agilizar a sua gestão

Register agreements with landowners


The agreement registration feature with landowners in the Deposit offers a simplified and effective solution for mining companies. Through the Surface Module, users can easily select rural properties on the map, filling in crucial information such as the owner's name, contact, and agreement details. Integration with SICAR provides georeferenced data, facilitating the identification of overlaps and preventing land use conflicts. The ability to link agreements to mining processes and attach documents contributes to comprehensive and transparent management. This functionality, combined with easy visualization and editing, promotes efficient and collaborative administration, integrating field and office teams for optimized activity planning. 

Benefits: With the ability to centralize information, simplify the registration process, view agreements on the map, and manage obligations and deadlines, the platform provides efficient and integrated management. Additionally, integration with other modules, real-time updates, and the ability to attach documents contribute to complete and transparent agreement management. This tool not only simplifies daily operations but also supports legal compliance and facilitates communication between teams, resulting in a more effective approach to mineral exploration. 

Mining Phase: Mineral Research 

Where to Find: Contract Module and Explore Map Module

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