Conheça os principais recursos do Jazida

Funcionalidades pensadas para agilizar a sua gestão

Integrate field and office teams


The centralization of information and integration between field and office teams in the Contracts Module of Jazida is facilitated by a unified and accessible platform. 

To integrate field and office teams in the Jazida contracts module, simply configure access permissions to the contracted plan groups. 

All information related to contracts, agreements, and rural properties is consolidated in a single interface, providing centralized access. The georeferenced map view allows both teams to identify the precise location of agreements, overlaps, and mining processes. 

With remote access, the field team can access real-time data, update information, and report observations directly on the platform. Communication is facilitated, enabling efficient collaboration between teams. 

Benefits: Centralizing information in Jazida optimizes integration between field and office teams and improves operational efficiency, reduces communication errors, and provides a comprehensive view for all parties involved in managing contracts with landowners. 

Mining Phase: Mineral Research | Mineral Exploration | Mining Concession 

Where to find: Contract Module - surface 

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